Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Essential Reading list

I've been doing more reading than writing and its time to rectify that.  Today is the start of a series of ten posts and reviews for the most essential texts on Karate that I have come across.  These books are treasures to me.  I recently moved in with the love of my life and she asked me when we were moving what was the most important things to take with me.  And I looked at my little room, my little bed, my phone and laptop, my shoes, my clothes.  My black belt.  And then my eyes floated up to my bookshelf - to the top shelf.  These are the books on my top shelf.  They are what I would save from my room if it were engulfed in flames.  Were it not for these words and ideas I would be a very different person, a lesser person.  I hope that my enthusiasm in presenting them will encourage you to look for them yourself.  And while I may rank them, they are, in my humble opinion, all essential reading for the true deshi - the true karateka.
